Eunice Pease Quimby

Eunice Pease Quimby was born July 12, 1825 to Eunice Catherine Floyd Pease and Dr. Ephraim Quimby. Her parents were later divorced and she was adopted by her stepfather, Elijah Hawes/Haws.

The following information is from Ida Stewart Pevy, Granddaughter.(Submitted by Joyce King Harmon of Camp Fort Hall of Daughters of the Utah Pioneers of Center Utah County, Provo, Utah. Vol. No. 17. Eunice Pease Quimby - pg 280.)

Mrs. A. J. Sr., whose maiden name was Eunice Pease Quimby, came to Provo with her husband in 1850, when the town was in its second year of existence. She was not strong and her death occurred in 1868 when she was but 43 years old, yet she delivered many babies in the new settlement. She gave much advice and direction to the sick, and she nursed the sick.
She brought many in outlying settlements, for though she kept up a household in Provo, continuously, she, in company with her husband, helped to found Payson and Benjamin, and in those places her services were also appreciated.

I do not know what preparation she had for this line of work except that she had more educational advantages than most of her neighbors. She had attended a Ladies Seminary in the Eastern States, and she had quite a few books, especially doctor books. Her father who knew her, said, she had great penetration, skill and resourcefulness, and was very successful in obstetric work.

It was the very first mother's in Provo she served, or among the first and those have long since gone to their reward. But I am sure she performed a service that was gratefully received, and which was not overlooked by the all seeing eye of our maker.

Eunice Pease Quimby Hawes is a descendant of Captain Asa Pease, who fought in the Revolutionary War and was killed in the War of 1812. The Adjutant General Office records show that Asa Pease served as a private in the Revolution, Capt. Abraham Livingston's Company, Willets New York regiment during the year 1781 exact dates not shown. They also show that Asa Pease served as a sergeant in the War of 1812 in Capt. Alvin Lyman's Compnay of Matrosses in the Detached Regiment of Connecticut Militia from Sept. 27 to Nov. 1, 1813. His daughter, Eunice Catherine, said that he fought under Washington in the Battle of Brandywine. He was killed at Lake Erie under Peary after having fought all day after being shot in the leg. His family received a letter from his commanding officer telling of his heroism in action.

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